Master Michael Robinson - Founder of Triadic Martial Arts/ Kaiso of the Makoto Kinjo Ryu

Mr. Robinson is known by his peers as an exceptional martial artist. Possessing an enormous amount of knowledge and training. Being trained by some of the best Martial Artists in the state of Michigan and having had the opportunity to travel for instruction, seminars, and further study Mr. Robinson has much to offer the martial arts community as a whole. He is the Michigan Representative and a Certified Instructor in the Blade Smart Tactical Knife System & Kali Instructor under Barry Cuda Yedwabnick. Being a practicing martial artist for over 30 years he holds teaching credentials in the arts of Tang Soo Do, Kenpo and Ninjutsu as well as being a registered founder of his family system, Makoto Kinjo Ryu recognized by the Ninjutsu International Federation and many others. The martial arts are about self-discovery not different from other pursuits of the soul such as music, spirituality, or creative writing. They are facets of the whole and it is in this intention that we must approach our training and our lives. Our Budo program is very intense and complete. By covering all ranges of combat in the physical realm and more importantly methods for dealing with conflict of the mental and spiritual realms we work towards wholeness. TRIADIC MARTIAL ARTS "Holistic Warrior Arts" for those who wish to go beyond the self-made or imposed walls that limit our true potential! DAIKOMYO! Michael Robinson

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Max Wolfgang Katz-Barber - Training Group Leader

Max Wolfgang Katz-Barber is our Australian representative training in the Okami Sumika Ninjutsu system! As student of the Bujinkan and Close Quarter Combat he has much to offer and is a valued member of our Brotherhood. Granted full permission to run a Wolf's Den training group from Soke Robinson.

Tamer Tosun - Training Group Leader

Mr. Tamer Tosun is our Turkish representative training in the Okami Sumika Ninjutsu system! As student and instructor of various martial arts he has shown a true desire to learn and help to spread our art to his country! He has been granted full permission to run a Wolf's Den training group from Soke Robinson.

Sam Albright - Training Group Leader

Sam Albright is our North Carolina representative training in the Okami Sumika Ninjutsu system! As teacher of TKD/ Hapkido and Krav Maga he has much to offer and is a valued member of our Brotherhood. Granted full permission to run a Wolf's Den training group from Soke Robinson.

Brandon Hester-TRIADIC EAST Training Group Leader-Instructor 

Helder Gomes - Training Group Leader-Field Advisor